miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

El Sol que hace brillar a las estrellas

Super Star Supporters. Para una persona común, esas tres palabras pueden no significar nada. Para nosotras, eso se traduce en Triple S. Más que el nombre de un fandom, somos el principal apoyo de SS501.

¿Cómo ser Triple S? Difícil pregunta, sin una única respuesta.

¿Existe un manual para ser Triple S? Definitivamente, no. Nadie puede decir quién es Triple S y quién no, cuando en verdad existe un amor real por los cinco miembros de SS501.

Sin embargo, sí puedo decir que no vale sólo con decir “soy Triple S”. Triple S no es un simple fan al cual le gusta SS501 o un miembro. Triple S no es aquel al cual le gustan las canciones del grupo, pero le desagrada éste o aquel miembro.

Yo no concibo que alguien diga que es Triple S, pero no acepte o apoye a los cinco. Para mí, una Triple S es OT5 (apoya a todos los miembros por igual). ¿O no es eso lo que quiere decir Triple S?

Cada uno de los chicos tiene su propio fandom: Henecia, Y.E.S, ThanKYU, 가족, Junus. Triple S es el fandom de los cinco.

Una Triple S apoya a los cinco como grupo y apoya a los cinco como solistas. Una Triple S disfruta con los éxitos de los cinco. Una Triple S siente como propios los momentos difíciles y dolorosos. Una Triple S apoya a Kim Hyun Joong, a Heo Young Saeng, a Kim Kyu Jong, a Park Jung Min y a Kim Hyung Jun.

Una Triple S está con los cinco en las buenas y en las malas. Una Triple S se emocionó con el debut como solistas de cada uno de los miembros. Una Triple S ha disfrutado de “Not Alone”, “oH! aH!”, “Let It Go”, “Break Down” y “Yesterday”.

Una Triple S lloró con el alistamiento de Kyu y llorará con el alistamiento de cada uno de los miembros de SS501. Una Triple S espera pacientemente por el día en el cual las cinco estrellas vuelvan a brillar juntas en un mismo escenario. Una Triple S mantiene encendida la llama verde. Una Triple S no deja que el Green Ocean desaparezca.

Una Triple S sólo cree en la palabra de los cinco. Una Triple S estará al lado de SS501 hasta el final, sin importar qué. Una Triple S no se rinde, sino que lucha. Una Triple S estuvo ayer, está hoy y estará mañana junto a SS501. Una Triple S sabe esperar el momento justo.

No existe un manual para ser Triple S. Nadie es más Triple S que otra. Tampoco se trata de edad o de nacionalidad. No existen las fronteras en el Green Ocean. Poco importa desde cuándo los conocemos. En realidad, lo único que importa es el amor y el apoyo que les demos a Líder, a Saeng, a Kyu, a Jung Min y a Baby. Como grupo y como solistas siguen siendo SS501. 

“Las estrellas nunca brillan solas (…) SS501 es la estrella y Triple S es el Sol. SS501 refleja la luz de Triple S y así puede brillar”

Sin importar qué,
Sólo confiemos en la palabra de…
5 chicos que jamás nos han defraudado.
0 dudas y…
1 solo sentimiento.

Triple S siempre permanecerá al lado de SS501,
Recordando los hermosos momentos juntos,
Imaginando el día en que volvamos a verlos en un escenario como uno,
Pero sin dejar de apoyarlos en cada paso que den.
Los logros de cada uno de los miembros, serán…
Exitos para el grupo.
SS501… Forever As One.

miércoles, 19 de junio de 2013

Today, tomorrow and always

"The First" Concert. I wanted it to be special for Hyung Jun. I knew it would be. That March 9 couldn't go unnoticed.

I think most of Triple S felt how special that day would be. And also we had a hunch: There was a SS501 member that couldn't miss. He didn't fail.

Although he is currently serving in the military (he isn't enclosed in a military base, just in case someone still think that), Kyu Jong has not let support his brothers, as he always does.

Kyu Jong didn't fail and was there, supporting Hyung Jun. 

Knowing that despite the years they still continue supporting, has no price. Is to realize that day by day are more united, though we not always see it. I not grow tired to repeat that beyond a comeback, SS501 is still more present than never; their brotherhood goes beyond be together on a stage. They don't need that to show that SS501 is not disbanded, despite some people want us to believe that.

For me, every detail, every gesture, worth a lot. Maybe the rest can't see it, but to us all say us: "Hey! They are still one". 

I was so glad to know Kyu Jong have had accompanied Baby on a special day. His mere presence was already important. But nothing more exciting than the moment in which SS501's Eternal Center went up to the stage and accompanied Hyung Jun. I didn't expect.

If there something they have achieved is that cry is part of my day by day. Almost without realize, I was crying again. There were tears of nostalgic, but also of joy. Nostalgic because I want to again see the five together on one stage. Joy because despite of all, they are still united. 

Later, to watch the videos of that day, tears began to appear. I believe that only a true Triple S knows that feeling.

First, see Baby sing SS501's songs, hear him shouting "Kyu Jong ah” pointing to where Kyu was. See him constantly look at Kyu, who was in the audience. Later, see Jjun excited, taking Kyu's hand, next to each other, together on a stage. See Kyu waving strongly Hyung Jun's hand as telling: "You did it! I'm proud of you".

It was a very special moment.

I've always said and I repeat it: SS501 is not another group. It is not just a few guys that for twist of fate ended up together in a group. No, they are much more. They are five guys that for twist of fate became brothers.

I still believe in them. I'll do it today, tomorrow and always. They have shown that true friendship does exist and can survive anything. 

At sad times, in joyful times, in difficult times ... SS501 Forever As One. 

Original: Tati
English translation: Gladis

viernes, 14 de junio de 2013

Someone I admire‏

These days, I read something that Kim Hyun Joong said at a concert in Japan. This message made me remember why day by day I admire him more and more. I always said it and I will never grow tired to repeat how proud of him I'm.

"Between those people that have come today, Kim Hyun Joong could be a mere person that pass through their lives, or could connect, make bonds with you for a long time. That depends of every one of you that always look at me. Instead, I'm sure I will live trying hard not to forget anything and keep the important bonds in the bottom of my heart. It will always be what makes me feel good and work hard in everything". 

Kim Hyun Joong? A mere passenger for us? Impossible. Hyun Joong will always be the best leader. That person that no matter what, always gives everything of him. It doesn't matter how tired or sick he is, continuously strives to do the best for all.

I still remember how the last year, despite he was sick, he insisted in appear before his japanese fans. I still remember how he cried because he felt that couldn't give his best for his fans.

He doesn't realize how much he gave to us, how much he does for everyone of us. I believe that there aren't words to say how important he is. The word "Thankyou" is fall short. 

Arrogant? Cocky? It doesn't matter what others think about him. They don't know him. They can tell us that we also don't know him. But, we know more about Kim Hyun Joong that all the people who criticize him or hate him just because.

I had the privilege to see him in Lima. I never imagine could have that chance. I witnessed how him, just got off a plane, went to make the sound check, without rest for even a minute; I witnessed how hours later, he appeared before thousands fans, how he cared for all to hear him and not lose detail of the show. I saw his passion. I saw a true artist.

Others can say what they want about him, but for me he will always be the best. This guy who doesn't search to give his 100% but his 1000% if is possible in everything he does; to whom there is any more important that his family, his SS501's members and his fans (Triple S/Henecias); for which there aren't impossibles. 

Kim Hyun Joong has shown he is more than a pretty face. Maybe he is not the most talented, but he strives to do his best. And he does. It hurts me he feels so culprit. It hurts me he thinks that what happened with SS501 is his fault. It hurts me he thinks that SS501's members and Triple S blame him for that. It's not. On the contrary. He has been so important to keep the group united. He shown and keep showing why he is SS501’s leader. Though some don't want to believe it, he is the one who most desires that Comeback.

And though there are some who don't want things to be like that, he left clear it on Jun 3rd, 2012, during Kyu Jong's fanmeeting. He introduced himself as SS501's Leader and said: "SS501 will never disband, so please wait for us". 

I´ll keep repeating it whenever I get a chance: If there someone I really admire is Kim Hyun Joong. 

Original: Tati
English translation: Gladis

lunes, 10 de junio de 2013

Forever (English)

June 8, for many a normal day, for Triple S this day was far more than the debut of a wonderful group, SS501, it was the beginning of a story… A story that still goes and will be eternal, because we always be there for them, despite the pass time, the struggles, everything… A true Triple S will never go.

¿How is it possible that five guys, whom many of us haven’t met in person, have turned in people so important in our lives? With their way to being, each one of them is so special and with beautiful voices... No doubt they have stolen the heart to more than one. Each song, lyric, melody, each performance where the five of them give their souls and the heart...where we are able to seen that they are one, "Forever as One".

We’ve learned so much from each one of them, that's why they are the people who I admire the most, they are a role model to follow and really I thank that five resplendent stars have come to my life, whose light will never die. We've been with them on good and bad times in some way or another we've supported them just like they have supported each other. Being a Triple S is more than a fan, we're a big family and that's why we never will let them alone. Even when many say otherwise, the Green Ocean has stayed 8 years already, and is more live than ever!

Throughout the years they have improved so much that is impossible not be proud of our boys, with each achievement they have had and we have shared this joy... Don't forget the fact they are doing solo activities is to give us the best comeback, I'm sure it will be like this because they always seek give us the best. That day no doubt will be unforgetable, we dream of the day when we'll see them together again on stage, hear harmony of their voices, but for now let's be patient, good things are slow in coming but at the end the reward will be worth. 

Thanks to SS501 I have met wonderful people, my dear Triple S with whom I’ve developed a great friendship and we always support each other. Indeed, there are a lot of things I should thank to SS501, so many I would never be able to finish... I can only tell them THANK YOU.

How long ago did you know them? I think this isn't the most important but all the love we have gave them since they came into our lives... one year, two, even eight. I cannot imagine our lives without them; I want them to stay in it forever. SS501 Fighting!

Original: Oti 
English translation: Areli / Gladis

domingo, 9 de junio de 2013

8 years walking together…

For most people, June 8th can be just another day. For Triple S, it means the beginning of a story. A story full of smiles, happiness, tears and obstacles… but more than that, a story of five guys that united their ways for the same dream.

June 8th of 2005 was the beginning of everything. The moment in which the green flame was lit. The moment in which the green ocean started to arise.

8 years have passed ever since that moment and that flame is still present. As long as Triple S stays next to SS501, that flame will never be extinguished. 

For Kim Hyun Joong, “the stars never shine alone”. Don't ever forget that “SS501 is the star and Triple S is the sun. SS501 reflects the light of Triple S and that’s why it can shine” (Park Jung Min)

The moment we abandon this family and leave them alone, at that exact moment, these stars will stop shining. As long as we believe in them, staying by their side no matter what, SS501 will never die.

They have asked us to believe in them, just believe in them. No matter what.

It’s been almost three years the group has been in hiatus (pause), and it’s very easy to give up and abandon the ship. Is it that easy to leave aside all that love we say we feel for them? Is it that easy to give up and leave everything?

One occasion, our Leader said: “If there is one member or two members, there’s always one name… let me tell you that we will be SS501 forever.”

No matter what other people say or what they want us to believe. Beyond any other comment, the most important thing is that they and we always have to keep in mind that SS501 is not just another group. SS501 is a family. Five guys who are consider brothers and never, ever will stop being. That despite everything, they keep insisting they have never separated and that will not happen.

Do you remember Hyun Joong’s words on June 3rd 2012 during Kyu Jong’s fanmeeting? He didn't only presented himself as the Leader of SS501, but also emphasized: “SS501 will never disband, so please wait for us.”

It’s already been a year of that and they keep insisting on it. Whenever they have the opportunity, they remind us why we should keep the green flame burning.

Hyung Jun mentioned that they know what they are doing and that their jobs as a solo will help the group to be better. Jung Min has also said they are still as one and that SS501 will continue as a group, like it has always been. Let’s not talk about Kyu Jong, our Triple S President, our eternal center, and the one who always reminds us of the existence of SS501.

Young Saeng too never stops mentioning the group. Maybe he is the one that recently has frequently expressed how much he misses doing activities as a group. Time after time he repeats that he misses them and that the group will definitely come back.

“I miss SS501 and the days doing activities all together, especially now that we are doing our solo activities”, he expressed in April.

He also made clear: “It is very difficult to say when we’ll do our comeback, is still hard to say when.”

Let’s not be impatient. It’s not just about saying: “We want a Comeback”. There is a lot of factors that influence on that, starting with the fact they are on different agencies. Their individual schedules are also another element we have to keep in mind. If it was up to them, they would’ve made their comeback already. They were about to do it last year. It was those same factors, along with the problems regarding Jung Min with his agency and Kyu Jong enlisting to the army that prevented them to do so.

Patience, patience and more patience. Things will happen when the right time comes.

For Jung Min and Young Saeng the best moment will be when the five of them finish their military service. Remember that, right now, the only one completing this obligation is Kyu. All of them have to go through it.

Let’s keep being patient. We still have 3, 4, 5 years ahead… whatever time it takes. At the end it will always be worth.

I see Shinhwa and realize that everything is possible, regardless of what everyone else believes. I see Shinhwa and I see our guys reflected in them. Both groups have had similar situations. Now we see Shinhwa. The Legend is Back!!

I always remember the story Saeng told about the day they were watching the TV program where Shinhwa was the main guest and when he sent a text message to the members of SS501, all of them were with the same feeling as he was. At that moment, YS realized they are truly one.

How to forget Saeng’s “SS501 Fighting!” during his “The Art of Seduction” comeback? Or the reunion of the 87’s guys promising a soon to be reunion with the “elderly” of the 86’s? Or all those times in which Hyun Joong joins Hyung Jun to play on the FC Avengers? How to forget Kyu Jong going to support his members in each event?

Every detail the guys have towards the fans convinces me that I’m not mistaking… makes me realize that it is worth it to keep supporting them, that it is worth waiting for them for how long it takes.

Even, just a picture of Hyung Jun holding an SS501 banner during an FC Avengers game makes us say: “It is worth”.

A simple “thank you” may not mean anything to most people, but that simple word, written by Kyu Jong and HJB along with the pictures of the 8th Anniversary Bus, contains many things for Triple S.

Only they can make a “thank you” encloses a universe of feelings.

“SS501's biggest charm is that our hearts and fans' hearts are together as one.” That way Leader referred to the biggest attraction of the group.

Definitely, we are together as one. Both, them and us hope for the same thing: for SS501 to continue as a group and to have activities as such again.

Don’t just believe anything you read or something that someone outside the Green Family might tell you. “Just believe in SS501 and that will be enough”.

Always keep in mind: Once a Triple S, always a Triple S.

Original: Tati
English translation: Areli

sábado, 8 de junio de 2013

Forever as one: Waiting for a star

“Because every tear, every smile, every song and every detail makes me a part of what you are: SS501.”

How easy it is to say that everything has ended, that good things will end and that nothing lasts forever! How easy it is to judge and say that SS501 has separated, that they are not together and will not comeback.  There will always be faithless people trying to convince us of this. However, in the time I have known SS501, I’ve come to know they are different from any other group. They make a difference or rather, they are the difference.

Whenever you feel like you can’t love them or admire them anymore something always happens that makes you reconsider that idea. A greeting, a “thank you”, an “SS501 Fighting” or a simple picture is more than enough for us to keep our faith and trust in them. 

Every day I reaffirm the bond of brotherhood that unites these five human beings. The emotion they express when they meet again, the unconditional support they show each other, the countless confirmations of the group not being separated and the only request we’ve gotten from our guys: “Wait for us”; these are facts that can't go unnoticed.

They celebrate each other’s triumphs, support each other, one way or another each one is with his brothers despite everything. As their fans, we are always with them, watching for their well being, always proving that special connection we have with our boys.

With that said, why the impatience for their comeback? why the distrust? Why would we even doubt them? How could we ignore everything they have sacrificed and all their hard work? Why? Seems to me there is no reason why.

If someone has taught me that distance, time, work and the many occupations in life cannot interfere when true friendship and love is in between, that’s SS501. They are my role models, a great example to follow. They own my greatest admiration and respect. They are the reason why that comeback we yearn so much for, at the end, will be worth it.

It is also true we yearn and dream so much for that day that it’s easy to forget all of that’s behind it, all the sacrifices and the hard work that needs to be done to make that day happen. It’s not as easy as just saying they’ll comeback tomorrow and perfom together, there’s many things that need to be worked on before that can happen.

It’s unfair to say their comeback will not be anytime soon or that maybe it will never happen. We have no right (not even their fans) to ask these five wonderful beings for something that is out of their possibilities right now. It is not fair to demand with such selfishness after everything they have done and still keep on doing for us, their fans. Everything comes at the right time.

Maybe the right time for SS501 will not be 2014, or 2015, maybe not even the year after that. All I know is that I’ll wait for however long it takes. Believing and waiting, besides showing them how much I love and admire them, is all that I can do. Believing and trusting the day these five stars shine as one onstage again, their TripleS will be there to reflect their light as the sun that we are.

“I believe in SS501, I am in SS501”

Original: Anni-me Otaku  
English translation: Areli

"SS501 Fighting!!" (English)

A simple expression that to us means a lot. They always have said that SS501 has not disbanded but they are still a group. Though the rest insist that SS501 doesn't longer exist, they still give us reasons to continue believing.

"SS501 Fighting", a simple expression that continues to be a proof that SS501 is more live than ever.

What Young Saeng said, on the day of his Comeback Stage on M! Countdown, March 14, 2013. "SS501 Fighting!"...is not only what he said but the way he said it and what he conveyed with that. 

As I always say: those are little details that others doesn't see. In that opportunity, Young Saeng mentioned the support he have received from the boys, and thanked Jung Min and Hyung Jun for that. In another interview, Young Saeng comment that he hadn't received messages from the boys, but that wasn't necessary between them, because they always were thinking each other. I've said and I repeat it: SS501 is more that a group, really they are a family. Though now the group is not active the bond that unites them is unbroken and every day is stronger.  

Hear YS say "SS501 Fighting!" reassures us SS501 continues there. I'm not saying this expression tell us they will return, because isn't...Why? Because simply SS501 never gone. A comeback is only that, a comeback. SS501 case is different. All of us dream and imagine how will the day be SS501 will return active as a group, the day our five stars will return to shine together...that moment when the Sun (Triple S) lights the stars. I have mentioned it before: It isn't a return, because they had never gone. 

"SS501 Fighting!"...Don't forget. Don't doubt, don't distrust, and don’t lose faith. It won't be tomorrow or next year, maybe we have to wait a little bit more, but for them is worth enduring all. Young Saeng and Jung Min had told it the last year. Both coincide the better moment will be when all of them have fulfill his obligatory duty army. Does that hurt us? Yes, a lot, but is something we have to endure. What thinks Young Saeng? Maybe within three years, SS501 will be together on a stage. He sees it that way. Maybe that Comeback occurs in 2016 or maybe not. Things don’t often work as we hope. There are so many factors to consider. The best we can do is to be patience.

Don't wait the Comeback. Let's continue supporting them already, now. Do the boys only worth when they are as a group? Despite his solo activities, they still are SS501. Hyun Joong said it already in one occasion...Even though in front there are one or two members, they still are SS501. Each of them is SS501. If they have not forgot. Why we would have to do it? Remember "SS501 Fighting!" "SS501's biggest charm is that our hearts and fans' hearts are together as one" Hyun Joong said at a fanmeeting in Beijing on Agust 29, 2009. Let's show this continues being like this, that nothing have change but instead, the bonds between Triple S and SS501 are more stronger. 

Don't discourage us. They know what they are doing. All in due time. Hyung Jun told about solo activities: "We thought it could be good and it would help us to grow as a solo artist, but also it will help the group be better". Not it is only about a personal goal. Each individual achievement is also a SS501's achievement. "We are sure what we are doing, because we are all agree and conscious of what the others are doing" (HJB) Both SS501 members and Triple S wish the same. Don't hurry things. All will occur when have to occur. When that happens, the Green Ocean will shine more than ever. "SS501 Fighting" 

Original: Tati
English translation: Gladis

viernes, 7 de junio de 2013


8 de Junio, para muchos un día normal, para las Triple S ese día fue más allá del debut de un maravilloso grupo, SS501, fue el inicio de una historia… Una historia que aún sigue y será eterna, porque siempre estaremos para ellos, a pesar del tiempo que pase, las dificultades, todo… Una verdadera Triple S nunca se irá. 

¿Cómo es posible que cincos chicos, a los que muchas no conocemos en persona, se hayan convertido en personas tan importantes en nuestra vida? Con su manera de ser, cada uno tan especial y con unas voces hermosas… Sin duda nos han robado el corazón a más de una. Cada canción, letra, melodía, cada presentación donde los cinco entregan el alma y el corazón… Donde podemos verlo, que ellos son uno mismo, “Forever as one”.

De cada uno hemos aprendido mucho, es por eso que son de las personas a quienes más admiro, son un ejemplo a seguir y en verdad agradezco que hayan llegado a mi vida cinco estrellas resplandecientes y cuya luz jamás se extinguirá. Hemos estado con ellos en los buenos y los malos momentos y de alguna u otra manera los hemos apoyado así como ellos siempre se ayudan entre si. Triple S es algo más que una fan, somos una gran familia y es por eso que jamás los dejaremos solos. Y aunque muchos digan lo contrario, el Green Ocean que ha permanecido por 8 años ya ¡y está mas vivo que nunca!

A través de los años ellos han mejorado tanto que es imposible no sentirse orgullosas de nuestros chicos, con cada logro que han tenido y hemos compartido esa gran alegría… No olvidemos que el hecho de que estén haciendo actividades individuales es para darnos el mejor comeback, estoy segura que así será porque siempre buscan darnos lo mejor. Ese día sin duda será inolvidable, soñamos con el día en volver a verlos juntos en un escenario, escuchar la armonía de sus voces, pero por ahora tengamos paciencia, las cosas buenas tardan en llegar pero al final la recompensa valdrá la pena.

Gracias a SS501 he conocido a personas maravillosas, mis queridas Triple S con las que he hecho una gran amistad y nos apoyamos siempre. A decir verdad, tengo muchas cosas que agradecerle a SS501, tantas que nunca acabaría… Sólo me queda decirles GRACIAS.

¿Hace cuánto tiempo los conoces? Creo que no es lo más importante sino todo el amor que les hemos desde que llegaron a nuestras vidas… un año, dos, hasta ocho quizá. Ya no puedo imaginar una vida sin ellos, quiero que se queden en ella por siempre ¡SS501 Fighting!

Forever as One: Esperando una estrella

“Porque cada lágrima, cada sonrisa, cada canción y cada detalle me vuelve parte de lo que ustedes son: SS501”

Qué fácil es decir que todo se ha terminado, que las cosas buenas se acaban y que no existe nada que dure para siempre. Qué fácil es juzgar y decir que SS501 está separado, que no están juntos y que no regresarán. Siempre habrá gente incrédula y maliciosa que intentará convencernos de esto. No obstante, en el tiempo que tengo de conocer a SS501, sé que ellos son diferentes a cualquier otro grupo. Ellos hacen la diferencia o más bien, ellos son la diferencia.

Cuando crees que no puedes amarlos o admirarlos más siempre sale algo que te hace reconsiderar esa idea. Un saludo, un “gracias”, “SS501 Fighting” o una simple foto son más que suficientes para mantener nuestra fe y confianza en ellos.

Cada día reafirmo el lazo de hermandad que une a esos cinco seres humanos. La emoción que expresan cuando se reencuentran, el apoyo incondicional que demuestran hacia el otro, las incontables afirmaciones sobre que el grupo no está separado y la única petición de nuestros chicos: “esperen por nosotros”; son hechos que no podemos dejar pasar desapercibidos.

Cada uno celebra los triunfos del otro, se apoyan mutuamente, cada uno está, de alguna u otra forma, con su hermano sin importar nada. Y sus fan estamos junto a ellos, viendo por su bienestar, corroborando en cada instante la conexión especial que tenemos con nuestros chicos.

Tomando lo anterior en cuenta ¿por qué la impaciencia por el comeback? ¿Por qué la desconfianza? ¿Por qué habríamos de dudar si quiera? ¿Por qué habríamos de ignorar todo lo que ellos han sacrificado y todo su arduo trabajo? ¿Por qué? A mí parecer no existe tal razón.

Si alguien me ha enseñado que la distancia, el tiempo, el trabajo ni las múltiples ocupaciones de la vida pueden interferir cuando la verdadera amistad y el cariño están de por medio es SS501. Ellos son mi ejemplo a seguir. Son dueños de mi mayor admiración y respeto. Son mi motivo de orgullo. Son la razón por la que ese comeback que tanto ansiamos, al final, valdrá la pena.

También es cierto que añoramos y soñamos tanto con ese día que es fácil olvidar todo lo qué hay detrás de eso, todos los sacrificios y el trabajo duro que se debe realizar para lograrlo. No es sólo decir que el día de mañana volverán a presentarse juntos y ya, son muchas cosas que deben preverse antes.

Quién diga que ese comeback no será pronto o que tal vez jamás ocurra está siendo muy injusto. No tenemos derecho (ni siquiera las fans) de exigirle a esos cinco maravillosos seres algo que no está en sus posibilidades en estos momentos. No es justo exigir con tal egoísmo después de cada detalle, de cada pequeña acción que efectúan y siguen haciendo por nosotros, sus fans. Las cosas se dan en su momento.

Tal vez el momento para SS501 no sea el 2014, ni el 2015 ni el año después de ese. Sólo sé que esperaré lo que haga falta. Creer y esperar, además de demostrarles cuánto los amo y los admiro es todo lo que puedo hacer. Creer y confiar en que el día en que esas cinco estrellas brillen como una sobre el escenario, sus Triple S estaremos ahí para reflejar su luz como el Sol que somos.

“En SS501 creo, en SS501 soy”

Anni-me Otaku